Nobody Loves Me - book
€15.00 / Sold Out
Nobody Loves Me
© second improved edition, november 2013
publisher: Chantal Rens / PANTOFLE BOOKS
pages: 40
proces: full-colour offset by Drukkerij Tielen, Boxtel, NL
dimensions: 15 x 21 cm
cover: paperback
binding: staple bound
edition size: 300
signature status: first 100 copies signed, numbered, gift wrapped and sold out.
ISBN: 978 90 812913 5 4
Collection of 38 polaroids showing people wearing handmade sweaters with apodictic slogans. Including ao: 'KARL MARX IS MY BITCH', 'LIFE IS A MUST' and 'EASY LIVING SUCKS COCK IN HELL'.